Smal Wars Mohicans delivery in progress
Some of the boardgames have been delivered, more are in the way and should be received within a few days at most. Stay tuned. A nice unboxing video made by…
Some of the boardgames have been delivered, more are in the way and should be received within a few days at most. Stay tuned. A nice unboxing video made by…
French AI no longer freezes in End Turn. Place info box no longer appears when menus are open. "Resume AI" button now animates in order to make it more clear…
Update 1.04 Online stability improvements. New sieges no longer count as battles in battle selection. Siege reports correctly display attacker rolls and location of siege. Pinned units can now move…
Update 1.02 Improved controller and Steam Deck interaction with units lists. Clarified a rule for British Strategic Movement: units now can only deploy this way if the Sealift is located…
The game has been fully produced this early Fall and is now in transit in various containers. Unfortunately for us, transit delays in the shipping, with various causes (traffic jams,…
After a good Beta testing campaign (thanks to our backers who helped us here, in particular Gary), the game has been released today, this 21st november afternoon, on Steam. The…
Hello all, some news to keep you updated. BOARDGAME PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY The production is now complete, and the first set of goods were shipped to Europe, where they should…
Here is another batch of new screenshots showing this time better graphics for various parts of the game. Enjoy! Coming soon on Steam! Movement zoom in Landing battle Battle outside…
Good news ! The production of the boardagme version of Small Wars - Mohicans is progressing well in the factory.